Copper Mountain Middle School Standards & Expectations
Colt Guidelines for Success
Every student is special to us. We want you to be happy at school and to learn all that you possibly can. We have identified five guidelines that will help you be successful.
- Come prepared
- On time
- Listen to directions
- Treat everyone with respect
- Safety first
Colt Standards & Expectations
Every student at Copper Mountain is an important, valuable individual. Each student has certain rights once he/she enters school property. Each student has the right to acquire a quality education in a safe environment. Each student has the right to be treated with respect by both fellow students and teachers. Each student has the right to express his/her thoughts and feelings in an appropriate manner.
With these rights come certain responsibilities. Each student has the responsibility to refrain from inappropriate or distracting behavior that endangers his/herself or others or that interrupts classroom instructional activities. Each student has the responsibility to follow the guidelines established by the administration and individual teachers. Each student has the responsibility to treat his/her fellow students and teachers with the same respect with which he/she expects to be treated. Students should show the utmost respect for all adults in the building and should respond appropriately to directions and requests. Behavior such as foul language, pushing, shoving, running in the halls, fighting, crowding in line, and teasing other students is not acceptable. Students who fight will be referred to the administration, and in serious cases, to law enforcement officials.
If a student has difficulty meeting these responsibilities, teachers and/or administrator will intervene in one or several of the following ways: a call home to parents, parent conference, lunch detention, ASD (after school detention), ICS (in class suspension), ISS (in school suspension), suspension, referral to a district level hearing, etc. Administrators will refer to district policies AS67 and AS90 for proper procedure and documentation. The faculty and staff of Copper Mountain want to make every student’s educational experience pleasant and successful. They believe that adherence to these guidelines will enable this.
Building Hours
School will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. on Monday Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. School will begin Fridays at 10:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. I realize that I will not be allowed in the building before 7:30 a.m. unless a prior arrangement has been made with a member of Copper Mountain’s faculty or staff. If a teacher has requested that I come early or stay late extra help, I know I need a pass signed by my teacher. Unless I am staying after school for tutoring or a special activity, I must be out of the building and on my way home by 3:10 p.m.
My parents and other adults are welcome to visit the school. All visitors need to report to the main office with photo ID upon arrival. It is helpful for parents to make an appointment prior to their visit. As a student, I am not allowed to bring friends or relatives to school with me. Only currently registered students will be allowed to attend classes and activities or be on school property.
Attendance Policy
At Copper Mountain Middle School, I understand that attendance affects what I learn in my classroom. I know it is essential to attend school regularly and be on time to every class.
- If I am late to school, I will check in at the attendance office before I go to class
- If I need to check out, I will clear it with the attendance office before school begins.
- If I need to miss school for a legitimate reason, I must be excused with a phone call or a written note from my parent to the attendance secretary.
- It is my responsibility to check with my teachers at an appropriate time and arrange for makeup work.
- If I am absent for ten or more days, I must have a note from my doctor excusing me.
Tardy Policy
TNT: “Tardies Not Tolerated.” I understand that tardies will not be tolerated at Copper Mountain. I must be in my seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. Being on time is an essential life skill that my teachers and administrators at Copper Mountain are trying to teach and reinforce. I understand that doing well in school requires me to be on time to class. My teacher will be ready to begin class when the bell rings.
My parents will be contacted by my teacher after 2 tardies in any given class and consequences will be issued if that number reaches 3. Teachers will also update citizenship in Skyward on a regular basis. This policy will be explained in detail during the first week of school.
- 1st Tardy – Warning from Teacher
- 2nd Tardy – Parent Phone Call, Drop in Citizenship Grade (S).
- 3rd Tardy – Teacher Referral, 1 Lunch Detention, Drop in Citizenship Grade (N)
- 5th Tardy – Teacher Referral to Administration, 3 Lunch Detentions, Drop in Citizenship Grade (U).
- 7th Tardy – Teacher Referral, 5 Lunch Detentions, Restrictions from school activities.
- 9th Tardy – Teacher Referral, ISS, Restrictions from school activities
In addition, School Administration will monitor overall tardies and assign additional consequences beginning on the 5th accumulated tardy.
Truancy Policy
I will not skip class. I am considered truant if I am somewhere other than my assigned classroom, assembly, or activity without permission. I will also be considered truant if I am more than ten minutes late to class. I understand I will be referred to school administration for disciplinary action which could be: Lunch Detention, After School Detention, In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, and/or referral to Jordan District Truancy School.
School Check In and Check Out Procedures
I will not be allowed to leave school without checking out through the attendance office. These are the procedures that I must follow:
Checking Out
- I will report to the attendance office after 7:30 a.m. but before school begins to obtain a checkout note.
- I will submit a note to the attendance secretary from my parents or telephone them to obtain permission to leave school. I will not be released from school without permission from a parent/guardian or a person listed on my student registration card as an emergency contact.
- Once approved for leaving school by my parents, I will be given a copy of the check-out slip. I will keep the copy and show it to my teacher when the check-out time arrives. I will report to the attendance office and sign out. At that time, I will be allowed to leave the school with my parent or guardian.
- The parent/guardian must provide identification and sign the student out in the attendance office in person before the student will be released.
- If I leave the school without following the above procedures, I will be considered truant.
Checking In
- If I am late, I must check in at the attendance office. I will sign the check-in form and provide a note from my parents excusing me for being late. My parents may call the attendance office at 810-412-1210 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. to excuse me.
- If I check out of school and then return to school during the day, I must first report to the attendance office before returning to class. I will sign back in with a date and time. I will then be issued a pass to return to class.
Hall Passes
As a student at Copper Mountain Middle School, it is my responsibility to be in class during class time. Occasionally, I may have a legitimate reason to be out of class. During one of those rare moments, I understand that my teacher will issue me a pass that will serve as my hall pass. I understand that the number of hall passes I will be able to use during the school year is limited. Therefore, I will use them carefully and responsibly.
Electronic Devices/ Cellular Phones
As a student, I know I am not to bring and/or use an iPod, camera, radio, speaker, computer game, portable video game, and laser pointers during school time. I understand that if I choose to bring or use these items during instructional time, they may be confiscated. Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal privacy or comprises integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited. I also understand that the administration will not assist in recovery or be held liable if any such items are lost or stolen. Cell phone use is not allowed in the classroom or during instructional time unless the teacher gives permission for class use. Cell phones, which are being used during class time without permission, will be confiscated. Cell phones may be used before and after school, during lunch time and passing periods. However, administration reserves the right to revoke that privilege based on student compliance with school rules.
Snowballs can cause serious accidents and injuries. At Copper Mountain Middle School, I know how to leave the snow where it falls -- on the ground. Throwing snowballs is grounds for suspension.
Need to check on your grades? Or find out which assignments you are missing? Skyward will allow my parents and me the ability to access my grades, attendance, and assignment information on the web. To access Skyward I can click on the link from our school homepage Passwords are mailed home with student schedules at the beginning of the year. Forget your password? Only a parent can request the parental password. It will be mailed home or a parent can pick it up in the office. For security reasons, it cannot be given over the phone. Students may check their own student password in the main office with a photo ID.
Copper Mountain Web Page
I can get the information on school activities, lunch menus, and calendars that are posted on our school web page. The Internet address is: My parents and I can also communicate with my teachers using the email links found on the school web site. Don’t forget to check out Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well.
Counseling Center
Getting picked on? Grades down? We have just the people to talk to! Our counselors are the most caring people in the world. They will listen to concerns, suggest options, and help me get back on my feet. They are also the ones to see if a schedule change is needed. Schedule changes must be requested by a parent and approved by an administrator and the teachers involved. Schedule changes will only be accepted the first week of a new semester. If you need to see a counselor, check with your counselor or the counseling secretary to make an appointment.
Extended Illness and Homework
If I’m sick three consecutive days and still not able to attend school, I may call the Counseling Office for homework. The homework will be available the following afternoon. If I am absent less than three days, I know it is my responsibility to get my makeup work from my teachers when I return.
I know my teachers may offer after school enrichment/tutoring in their classrooms after school. This will give me an opportunity to receive additional help and instruction from my teachers, but I must take responsibility to check with my teacher and make sure he or she knows that I am planning to stay after school. It will be important for me to let my parents know I am staying after school. If I am a student who rides the bus, I will also need to arrange for an alternative ride home. CMMS offers after school tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Please check the schedule that will be posted in the building for classroom assignments.
Internet Use
In school, at the direction of my teacher, I may have access to the Internet. I understand that when properly used, the Internet is a valuable educational resource. I also understand that when the Internet is used improperly, it can be harmful. Therefore, I agree to abide by district policy when I use the Internet. I agree to submit a signed copy of the Acceptable User form to the school. I understand that my signature on this form indicates that I have read, understand, and that I am willing to follow the district policy governing the use of the Internet.
Closed Campus
I understand that all middle schools in the district operate under a “closed campus” policy. I am to remain on campus throughout the school day unless I have been properly checked out of school according to procedures outlined. This includes lunch time.
Copper Mountain Middle School and Jordan School District are committed to providing an educational environment that is free from illegal harassment and other forms of discrimination based upon sex, race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, gender, creed, age, citizenship, or disability.
Fee Waivers
(Policy AA408) Adequate fee waivers have been provided to ensure that no student is denied the opportunity to participate in class or school sponsored or supported activities because of an inability to pay the fee. Information and application forms can be obtained at the main office or online.
Bullying and Harassment
What does it look like and sound like? Teasing, jokes, rumors, name calling, intimidation, unwanted touching, grabbing, intentional pushing, shoving, blocking, swearing, or unwanted comments. If bullying or harassment occurs, I know I can get immediate help from an adult such as an administrator, teacher, counselor, or parent. I know I have the right to feel safe at school.
Sending insulting, threatening or harassing messages by phone or computer, or electronic messaging is strictly prohibited. Cyber-bullying will be investigated and maybe turned over to local law enforcement.
Fighting that involves any physical contact is against school rules and will not be tolerated. All fights are grounds for suspension and police involvement. I understand that students who participate in a fight may also be referred to self-discipline or anger management courses taught in the evening. Provoking or encouraging a fight may also lead to disciplinary action.
Gangs and Hate Groups
I understand that everyone who comes to school must feel absolutely safe. Behavior, clothing, hand signs, or symbolism relating to gang/hate group involvement will not be tolerated on school property or at school-sponsored events on or off campus. I understand that I can be suspended or expelled for gang/hate group affiliation.
In order to do my part to keep my school a safe place, I will not bring a weapon or a facsimile of a weapon to school. I understand that I cannot use, possess, sell, or attempt to possess any firearm (gun), weapon, knife, explosive device, noxious or flammable material, including lighters, fireworks, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon, or other harmful instruments or any replica or facsimile of any of the above, whether functional or nonfunctional, whether designed for use as a weapon or for some other use. Having a weapon or facsimile of a weapon at school is an offense that can result in suspension to a district level hearing. If I am aware of a weapon on school grounds, I understand I have a responsibility to report this information to an adult in the building.
Public Display of Affection
I know that excessive hugging, kissing, and other public displays of affection at school are inappropriate. Engaging in these activities at school disrupts my learning and the learning of others. This behavior may result in disciplinary action.
Tobacco/ Electronic Cigarettes
Smoking is hazardous to my health. I realize that I cannot smoke, vape or be in the company of smokers in the school or on the school grounds. It is also against the law to have tobacco products in my possession. If I am caught with tobacco at school, I will be referred to juvenile court and I may be suspended.
Illegal Substances
The rules are very clear when it comes to substance violations. I will not possess, use, or be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, intoxicants or inhalants of any kind. I will not have any drug related paraphernalia on school grounds or at school sponsored activities. I will not abuse or use illegal substances and I will not hang out with those who do. I also understand my responsibility to report any knowledge I have of drug use or possession on school property or during school sponsored activities to an adult. Having a prescription tablet or pill not belonging to you is considered a violation of JSD Illegal Substances Policy-AS 90.
In middle school, I am allowed to take medication on my own. I cannot have more than an 8 hour dose of any type of medication. I understand that medication is defined as any over-the-counter pill or personal prescription. I understand that I am in violation of district drug and alcohol policy, if I have more than an eight-hour dosage. I understand the medication must be in the original container. I also understand that if I share any medicine with a friend, I will be violating the Jordan School District Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Every student enrolled at Copper Mountain Middle School will be assigned a locker and combination. I realize that my locker is the property of the school and that it may be inspected by school authorities at any time. I am to use only my assigned locker. I must not share my locker or combination with anyone. If I do, I could lose my locker privileges. I know that the school is not responsible for my personal property that is lost, stolen, or vandalized. All forms of vandalism are strictly prohibited at CMMS. I understand that if I vandalize my locker I will pay for damages, receive disciplinary actions and possible charges by law enforcement.
Backpacks/Bags/Purses and Coats
Carrying backpacks to class is optional. However the location of where the backpacks will be stored in the classroom will be at the teacher’s discretion. In some cases, due to the nature of the class, backpacks will not be permitted. We recommend using a string bag.
Lunch-time at last! The cafeteria is great place to eat and socialize. I need to clean up my area after eating and return my tray and garbage to the appropriate area. We will be recycling at Copper Mountain so be sure to throw away your items in the correct container. While in the cafeteria, I will refrain from running and playing. I have a number of food options in the cafeteria including the full-meal line, ala carte items such as pizza, fries, sandwiches, and salads. I will also have access to vending machines that dispense a variety of juices, water, snacks, and candy. In order to keep our school clean, safe, and attractive, I understand that all food and drink must be consumed in the cafeteria only. If the cafeteria is left messy, I recognize that I may lose some or all of my lunchroom privileges. It is also important that I leave my coat, backpack, and other personal items in my locker before coming to the cafeteria.
Lunch Accounts
I can add money to my lunch account by making a deposit in the main office or through Skyward. I know that my money needs to be turned in to the main office by 10:00 a.m. The lunch money is collected every day at 10:00 a.m. and processed for that day’s lunch. Deposits cannot be added after the processing is done. I can always use cash to pay for a lunch in the line. I access my account with my pin number. It is private to me and I will not share that information with anyone! I can check the balance in my lunch account by accessing my account on Skyward (Food Service).
Vending Machines
When I put money in the vending machines, it is at my own risk. Copper Mountain is unable to reimburse students for money “lost” in the machines. I am also aware that tampering with or abusing the vending machines in any way is an offense that could result in fines, suspension, or a law enforcement referral.
Library Media Center
I know the Media Center is a great place to read, do research, and get information. While in the Media Center, I will act in a way that will allow scholarly study. I will follow the rules that are posted, or I will not be allowed to remain in the library. The Media Center is available to me between 7:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays. Fridays it is available from 9:50 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. If I want to visit the Media Center during class time, I will get a Library Media Center Pass from my teacher. My school ID card with my picture is required to check out all materials. I will have to pay a fine for returning books after the due date. Computers with Internet access are available for my use in the Media Center, but before I can use one, my parents and I must sign an Internet contract that outlines responsibilities and guidelines when using the school Internet service.
School ID card
How can I prove that I am me? I have a school ID card! ID cards are given to all students, free of charge, soon after school pictures are taken. My ID card will allow me to check out books from the Media Center and verify identification in the lunch line or wherever it may be needed. If I lose it, I will have to pay $5.00 to replace it.
Student-Led Conferences
Copper Mountain utilizes Student-Led Conferences as an opportunity for me to reflect on my own learning, practice communication skills and celebrate my success. I will present a collection of work and progress reports gathered from all my classes. I will set goals to continue to improve my education. I will get my parents to set goals to support me as I work towards this improvement. I understand that before or after my presentation, my parents can drop-in and visit with all of my teachers. In the fall we will hold parent-teacher conferences in individual classrooms. No appointment is necessary. In February we will hold parent-teacher conferences under the student-led conference format.
School Dress and Grooming
Students shall dress in a manner that shows respect for the educational environment and is befitting of the day’s activities. Students’ clothing and jewelry must not present a health or safety hazard and distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornments, which causes the teacher/administrator to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.
- Items that disrupt the educational mission shall not be allowed. Personal items such as clothing, paraphernalia, jewelry, backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, etc., shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignias which are crude, vulgar, profane, violent, or sexually suggestive.
- Items that bear advertising, promotions and likeness of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or which are contrary to the educational mission, shall not be allowed.
- All students shall maintain their hair, mustaches, sideburns, and beards in a clean, well-groomed manner. Hair, which is so conspicuous, extreme, odd in color and style that it draws undue attention, disrupts, or tends to disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at the school, shall not be allowed.
- All students shall wear clean clothing. Clothing, jewelry, accessories and piercings which are so conspicuous, extreme, or odd that they may draw undue attention, disrupt, or tend to disrupt, interfere with or pose a health or safety issue to the learning atmosphere at the school, shall not be allowed.
- Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest, e.g., short shorts, miniskirts, bare midriffs, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing. Distress clothing must be in line with CMMS’s dress code. Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs, and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated. Pajamas and sheer leggings are not appropriate.
- Military clothing or insignias which are part of the official uniform of the U.S. Armed Forces are not to be worn except where authorized by law.
- Hats of any kind are not allowed within the building except as a part of an approved activity, or for religious or medical purposes.
- Gang-related clothing, colors, and paraphernalia shall not be allowed in schools or activities. This includes bandanas of any color, and clothing with the numbers 13, 14, 18, 88 or 69 (with the exception of high school or little league jerseys). Gang-related clothing also includes any attire or paraphernalia identified by local law enforcement. Clothing associated with any hate group is also not permitted.
- Shoes shall be worn at all times that ensure personal safety and hygiene. Slippers are not appropriate.
The administration reserves the right of interpretation of the Copper Mountain Dress Code.
Students in violation of the dress code will be given the opportunity to change into appropriate clothing. In School Suspension (ISS) is available for those who are in violation and cannot reach a parent.
Jordan School District Discipline of Students
Jordan School District recognizes that student discipline is essential to further the educational process and provide an environment conducive to learning. The Board authorizes the Administration to take appropriate action to preserve order among the students and staff to protect school property. Acts of violence, use or possession of a weapon or facsimile, criminal behavior, and gang activity in or about District schools, property, or activities shall be dealt with in accordance with District policy and the law. (Board Policy AS67)
Dangerous Disruptive Conduct
The following conduct is defined as “dangerous or disruptive conduct” and is prohibited on school property, at school-sponsored activities, and while traveling in school-funded or school-dispatched transportation.
- 1. Possessing (regardless of intent), using, selling or attempting to possess, use or sell any firearm, weapon, knife, explosive device, noxious or flammable material, firework, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon or other instrument including those which eject a projectile or substance of any kind, or any replica or facsimile of any of the above, whether functional or nonfunctional, whether designed for use as a weapon or for some other use.
- Causing, or attempting, threatening or conspiring to cause damage to personal or real property, or causing or attempting, threatening or conspiring to cause harm to a person through:
- a) Possession or distribution of drugs or alcoholic beverages. (Board Policy AS90)
- b) Sexual harassment or fabrication of sexual harassment charges with malicious intent to defame character.
- c) Arson - the willful and malicious destruction of any part of a building or its contents or occupants by use of fire or explosive.
- d) Burglary - breaking, entering or remaining in a structure without authorization during the hours when the premises are closed to students.
- e) Theft/Larceny/Stealing - the intentional unlawful taking and/or carrying away of property belonging to or in the lawful possession or custody of another.
- f) Criminal Mischief - willful or malicious injury or damage in excess of $300 to public property or to real or personal property belonging to another.
- g) Battery - the unlawful and intentional touching or striking of another person against his or her will.
- h) Assault - placing another person in fear or apprehension of a harmful or offensive touching, whether or not a touching is actually intended.
- i) Hazing- Harassing, bullying or demeaning someone as part of being included in a group, association, team or organization.
- j) Vandalism - willfully defacing, cutting, marring, injuring, damaging, or losing school or staff property. Official grade transcripts and diplomas may be withheld until the student or the student’s parent(s)/guardian has paid for the damage or made appropriate restitution.
- k) Gang-related/Hate group activity - dangerous or disruptive activity, which may include but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1) Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign or other things which evidence membership in a gang. 2) Using a name which is associated with or attributable to a gang. 3) Designating turf or an area for gang activities, occupation, or ownership.
- l) Involvement in any activity which violates federal, state or local law or regulation, disrupting a normal school proceeding, or causing, attempting, threatening or conspiring to cause other students to violate federal, state or local law or regulation or to disrupt school proceedings, or attempting, threatening or conspiring to do any of these. These activities include, but are not limited to: extortion, forgery, lewdness, and distributing obscene materials.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
The Administration recognizes that the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, or other prohibited substances constitutes a hazard to students and is disruptive to the educational process. The following substances are prohibited at school:
Illegal drugs, Illegal psychotic chemicals (inhalants),
Alcoholic beverages, Medications in excess of an 8hr dosage
The possession, use, or distribution, by students of any substance listed above is prohibited on school district property during school hours and at any school-sponsored extracurricular program or activity including those held off school property. Violations will result in the strict application of Jordan School District’s Drug and Alcohol Policy AS90. The consequences of violating AS90 can be found below.
1st Offense
• Use • Possession • Resorting |
2nd Offense
• Use • Possession • Resorting |
3rd Offense
• Use • Possession • Resorting |
1st Offense
•Sharing •Selling •Distributing |
2nd Offense
•Sharing •Selling •Distributing |
Early Intervention Class |
45-day A.E.P.and
Referral for Assessment |
180-day A.E.P.and
Referral for Assessment |
45-day A.E.P.and
Referral for Assessment |
180-day A.E.P.and
Referral for Assessment |
1st Offense
• Use • Possession • Resorting |
2nd Offense
• Use • Possession • Resorting |
3rd Offense
• Use • Possession • Resorting |
1st Offense
•Sharing •Selling •Distributing |
2nd Offense
•Sharing •Selling •Distributing |
In excess of a 8-hour dose | In excess of an
8-hour dosage |
In excess of a
8-hour dosage |
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS | Administrative Warning | 10-day A.E.P. or Early Intervention Class | 45-day A.E.P. andReferral for Assessment | 45-day A.E.P. andReferral for Assessment | 180-day A.E.P.and
Referral for Assessment |
OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS | Warning | 10-day A.E.P. or Early Intervention | 45-day A.E.P. & Referral Assessment | Suspension | 45-day A.E.P.& Assessment |