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Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

At Copper Mountain Middle School, I understand that attendance affects what I learn in my classroom.  I know it is essential to attend school regularly and be on time to every class.

  • If I am late to school, I will check in at the attendance office before I go to class
  • If I need to check out, I will clear it with the attendance office before school begins.
  • If I need to miss school for a legitimate reason, I must be excused with a phone call or a written note from my parent to the attendance secretary.
  • It is my responsibility to check with my teachers at an appropriate time and arrange for makeup work.
  • If I am absent for ten or more days, I must have a note from my doctor excusing me.

Tardy Policy

TNT:  “Tardies Not Tolerated.”  I understand that tardies will not be tolerated at Copper Mountain. I must be in my seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. Being on time is an essential life skill that my teachers and administrators at Copper Mountain are trying to teach and reinforce.   I understand that doing well in school requires me to be on time to class.  My teacher will be ready to begin class when the bell rings.

My parents will be contacted by my teacher after 2 tardies in any given class and consequences will be issued if that number reaches 3. Teachers will also update citizenship in Skyward on a regular basis. This policy will be explained in detail during the first week of school.

  1. 1st Tardy – Warning from Teacher
  2. 2nd Tardy –  Parent Phone Call, Drop in Citizenship Grade (S).
  3. 3rd Tardy  – Teacher Referral, 1 Lunch Detention, Drop in Citizenship Grade (N)
  4. 5th Tardy  – Teacher Referral to Administration, 3 Lunch Detentions, Drop in Citizenship Grade (U).
  5. 7th Tardy   – Teacher Referral, 5 Lunch Detentions, Restrictions from school activities.
  6. 9th Tardy   – Teacher Referral, ISS, Restrictions from school activities

In addition, School Administration will monitor overall tardies and assign additional consequences beginning on the 5th accumulated tardy.

Truancy Policy

I will not skip class.  I am considered truant if I am somewhere other than my assigned classroom, assembly, or activity without permission.  I will also be considered truant if I am more than ten minutes late to class.   I understand I will be referred to school administration for disciplinary action which could be:  Lunch Detention, After School Detention, In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, and/or referral to Jordan District Truancy School.

School Check In and Check Out Procedures

I will not be allowed to leave school without checking out through the attendance office.  These are the procedures that I must follow:

Checking Out

  1.  I will report to the attendance office after 7:30 a.m. but before school begins to obtain a checkout note.
  2.  I will submit a note to the attendance secretary from my parents or telephone them to obtain permission to leave school.  I will not be released from school without permission from a parent/guardian or a person listed on my student registration card as an emergency contact.
  3. Once approved for leaving school by my parents, I will be given a copy of the check-out slip.   I will keep the copy and show it to my teacher when the check-out time arrives.   I will report to the attendance office and sign out.  At that time, I will be allowed to leave the school with my parent or guardian.
  4. The parent/guardian must provide identification and sign the student out in the attendance office in person before the student will be released.
  5. If I leave the school without following the above procedures, I will be considered truant.

Checking In

  1. If I am late, I must check in at the attendance office.  I will sign the check-in form and provide a note from my parents excusing me for being late.  My parents may call the attendance office at 810-412-1210 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. to excuse me.
  2. If I check out of school and then return to school during the day, I must first report to the attendance office before returning to class.  I will sign back in with a date and time.  I will then be issued a pass to return to class.

Hall Passes

As a student at Copper Mountain Middle School, it is my responsibility to be in class during class time.  Occasionally, I may have a legitimate reason to be out of class.  During one of those rare moments, I understand that my teacher will issue me a pass that will serve as my hall pass. I understand that the number of hall passes I will be able to use during the school year is limited.  Therefore, I will use them carefully and responsibly.